Sunday, August 30, 2009

A crazy couple of weeks

We have had a few crazy weeks. We have been to the doctor/hospital about 9 times (it will be about 15 time over the course of 4 weeks). We went to Lakeside Bible camp. And we worked on the house.
The reason for all of the doctors visits started wit a visit to the doctor because Ethan had been having diarea for 3-4 months (poor little guy). For which he had some tests done and was refered to a specialist at Swedish in Seattle. Where we found out that his blood work showe 98% that he had Celiac Disease (can not eat any gluten because it causes damage to his body... a life long thing). So, after hearing from the specialist on Wednesday he went in on Friday for surgery to take 6 biopsys to confirm celiac disease. We were blessed that my parents were able to fly up to watch the big boys while we were at the hospital with him. Today on Ethan's 3rd birthday the doctor called to confirm that yes indeed it was Celiac disease.
The other reason for the doctors/hospital visits was Lucas injured (cut open his arm) on a water slide while we were at Lakeside Bible camp. The hospital on Whidbey Island was an experience in and of it's self never to be repeated. After having the stitches removed at our doctor's office 3 days later the cut opened up again so yet another visit to the doctor.
We went to Lakeside Bible camp's family week because Sean was teaching. He taught 10 times. The kids had a blast! I would reccomend it to any family with kids. There is lots for the kids to do and very low stress. While Sean was teaching they had VBS for the kids. They had lots of fun in the lake.
We also went to Deception Pass this past weekend. The weather was great.
On the home improvement front... we had our patio pours, removed a stump, and finished painting the outside... only a few more things... hopefully we can list it soon... as the Lord wills... He knows what is best.
Here are few pictures from the last couple of weeks.
The Patio...

The Stump removal (Gil & Sean taking it out)...

Brave Little Ethan...

Lakeside Bible Camp...

Deception Pass...

Just because I think she is cute...


Amy Medina said...

Oh Becky, so sorry about the Celiac's! Guess it's a good thing you are good cook, since you'll have to get a whole lot more creative now! Fun to see your new pictures. :-)

The Parsons' blog said...

Sounds busy and a little hectic. I'm sorry to hear about Ethan, but I'm thankful you found out sooner than later. I can't believe how big your baby girl is getting!!!!?!?!?! Cute.