Sunday, April 08, 2007


As I am sure anyone who would read our blog knows... Lucas is autistic. In many ways autism is one of the most confusing conditions filled with many ups and downs. Oprah just aired a great and very informative show about what autism is. It helps people who do not have children with autism to understand more about it. There is also a charity called Autism Speaks which is raising money for research in the field of autism. It has a great video about what daily life is like for a family with a child with autism. If you ever wonder what life is like for us this is a picture of some of this thing that we deal with on daily basis in different degrees than in the video... most are easier for us and some harder. Just click this link and then click the "Autism Every Day" Video is is 13:20 minutes. We have the hope that I don't know that the people in this video have... Jesus... and his sustaining grace. Autism is difficult but, God allows everything to happen for a reason even autism. May we bring God glory as we seek to raise our child with autism and by God's good grace may he and our other two children know Christ as lord and savior.